Continuous Tense

Presents Continuous Tense 

Present continuous tense atau present progressive tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung sekarang (present) atau rencana di masa depan (future).

Rumus Present Continuous Tense

Untuk membentuk kalimat present continuous tense, kita harus menerapkan rumus be + present participle (-ing) pada kata kerja utama.

BentukRumus Present Continuous TenseContoh Kalimat
Subjek + be (am/is/are) + verb (-ing) + …She is sleeping right now
We are studying today
Subjek +be (am/is/are) + not + verb (-ing) + …She is not sleeping right now
We are not studying today
Be (am/is/are) + subjek + verb (-ing) + …?Is she sleeping right now?
Are we studying today?

contoh kalimat berisikan present continuous tense dan artinya

  1. I am studying english at school now.[ Saya sedang belajar bahasa inggris di sekolah sekarang ].
  2. He is reading a newspaper now.[ Dia sedang membaca koran sekarang ].
  3. She is washing her cloth for this time.[ Dia sedang mencuci pakaiannya sekarang ini ].
  4. They are spending their holiday at Jakarta now.[Mereka sedang menghabiskan waktu liburannya di Jakarta ].
  5. My brother is playing a game now.[ Saudara saya sedang bermain game sekarang ].

     Past Continuous Tense
Past continuous tense atau past progressive tenseadalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau.

Rumus Past Continuous Tense

Untuk membentuk kalimatnya, kita harus menerapkan rumus bentuk lampau dari be + present participle (-ing) pada kata kerja utama.
BentukRumus Past Continuous TenseContoh Kalimat
Subjek + be (was/were) + verb (-ing) + …She was waiting for you yesterday
They were discussing my birthday party
Subjek +be (was/were) + not + verb (-ing) + …She was not waiting for you yesterday
They were not discussing my birthday party
Be (was/were) + subjek + verb (-ing) + …?Was she waiting for you yesterday?
Were they discussing my birthday party?

Pengertian Future Continuous Tense

Future continuous tense atau future progressive tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang akan sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa depan. Aksi tersebut telah dimulai tapi belum selesai pada saat itu.
Berikut rumus future continuous tense untuk kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif.
Rumus Future Continuous TenseContoh Future Continuous Tense

kalimat positif (+):

S + will be + present participle (-ing)
He will be sleeping
You and I will be walking

kalimat negatif (-):

S + will + not + be + present participle (-ing)
He will not be sleeping
You and I won’t be walking

kalimat interogatif (?):

Will + S + be + present participle (-ing)
Will he be sleeping
Will you and I be walking


 1. Desi is ___ in the kitchen
   a. Cook
   b. Cooking
   c. Cooks
   d. Cookies

2. Deka is ___ at 9 PM
   a. Sleeps
   b. Sleepies
   c. Sleep
   d. Sleeping

3. ___ you listening music?
   a. Is
   b. Are
   c. Must
   d. It

4 (+) They are eating fried rice in the
         restaurant now
    (?) _____________________

5.We will be studying economics here at 04.00 p.m. tomorrow.

A. We were studying economics here at 04.00 p.m. yesterday.
B. We was studying economics here at 04.00 p.m. yesterday.
C. We were studying economics here at 04.00 p.m. tomorrow.

6. He is in the class.

A. He was not being in the class at 9 yesterday morning.
B. He were not being in the class at 8 yesterday morning.
C. He was not being in the class right now.

7.They do not study. (tanpa time signal, asumsi kalian telah paham)
A. Was they studying?
B. Ware they not study?
C. Were they not studying?
5. Shinta has been bringing a book.
8. Apakah montir akan sedang memeriksa mobil saya nanti malam?

A. Will the mechanic be checking my car tonight?
B. Will the mechanic be check my car tonight?
C. Will be the mechanic checking my car tonight?

9. Apakah kamu tidak akan sedang tidur jam 10 nanti malam?

A. Will not you be sleeping at 10 tonight?
B. Won’t you be sleeping at 10 tonight?
C. Won’t you not be sleeping at 10 tonight?

10. Dina akan sedang berada di rumah sakit besok jam 2 siang.

A. Dina will be in the hospital tomorrow at 02.00 p.m.
B. Dina will being in the hospital tomorrow at 02.00 p.m.
C. Dina will be being in the hospital tomorrow at 02.00 p.m.


1. (B) Cooking

2. (D) Sleeping

3. (B) Are

4. Are they eating fried rice in the restaurant now?

  Subjek we menggunakan were, time signalyang digunakan adalah at 04.00 p.m. yesterday.

6) A
Ini adalah past continuous tense bentuk negatif, rumus bentuk negative adalah S + was/were + not +, subjek Hemenggunakan was.

Ini adalah bentuk negative interogatif yang rumusnya Was/were + S + not + subjek they menggunakan were.

8) A
Future continuous tense bentuk interogatif, maka rumusnya Will/shall + S + Be + (Present pasticiple).

Rumus yang di gunakan dalam kalimat bentuk negative interogatif adalah Will/shall + S + Not + Be + (Present participle). Not dapat di letakkan setelah will, namun harus di singkat menjadi won’t. kalau not tidak digabung dengan will, maka not harus di letakkan setelah subjek.

Be + ing = being. Walau di dalam rumus telah ada kata kerja bantu yaitu be, namun bukan berarti dapat langsung di tambah akhiran ing. Tapi kita harus menempatkan lagi be (kemudian ditambah akhiran ing) pada kata selanjutnya.




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